Sunday 18 October 2009

Film Openings so far.

Christina and I haven't started the comic book sequence yet, however Christina and I have been working together on the Abstract opening all this week.
Christina went out to do the filming in her Grandfather's Wine Shed and brought it in for us to both edit together.

A film opening which is similar to our abstract sequence is 'To Kill a Mocking Bird' which is posted earlier on in my both mine and Christina's blogs.

We have completed the rough cut of our opening, however we both need to go and re-shoot certain scenes where the wrong props are placed which look distracting in our opening. We may also add humming to the end of our soundtrack(like To Kill a Mocking Bird/Rosemary's Baby) but we're not too sure yet.
For our font, both Christina and I have spent a lot of time on photoshop creating the look.

For the comic book sequence, I have got a model to take a few pictures of in location for the strip- in costume and also I can take screengrabs of Christina's footage or take some photos on location.
I will be able to do this on Monday, since the model is free then.
Hopefully the comic opening won't take too long to create so both Christina and I have time to complete both our sequences on time.

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