Tuesday 20 October 2009

Creating the titles.

Final Result.

It took a while for Christina and I to think of a title for our pretend film.
It took until we had finally found the significant object to be used in our sequence. On the cover of the book it says 'WS' from this, I got Something Wicked, a quote which has been used to represent witches for centuries- made famous by William Shakespeare's Weird Sister's in the play Macbeth. Earlier on Christina and I both decided that our film was going to be based on witchcraft and it could possibly be a potions book or full of spells.

At first, both Christina and I weren't too sure what type of font we wanted- we started off going through all the 'Gothic' fonts available on Final Cut Express, but we could not find one suitable.
We decided to go on Dafont.com and searched through the Gothic; Medieval fonts in search for something decorative yet sinister at the same time.
We both then discovered a font named Kingjola which we both felt would work really well, since it has swirls underneath as well.

Christina then opened the title into Adobe Photoshop. Firstly, she deleted the background using the Magic Wand Tool then replaced it with a bright, vibrant colour so it was easier to see what else needed to be erased. Christina changed the colour of text to white and then the background to black.

She then saved the text and the decorative under 2 different layers compatible with Final Cut Express so the titles would be able to move freely on the video.

I suggested to Christina that the swirls underneath should either fade in, or look like they're being drawn on with the titles- unfortunately this effect is over complicated for the equipment we're provided with.
Instead, both Christina and I decided on using the following tools;
Gaussian Blur

Both Christina and I are very pleased with the way our main titles have come out- it gives off an old, grainy Victorian style feel to the film opening.
We have both decided to carry on using this technique for all of the titles, however we feel they shouldn't be as decorative because the title of our film will not be able to stand out as well.

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