Wednesday 16 September 2009

Film Openings.

The film openings I chose to look at included, Blade, Spiderman 2 and The Dark Knight.

This is the opening sequence for Spiderman 2, I really like the idea of using the comic book theme, after all, that is what the whole trilogy is based on. I decided a while back that I would really like to make my film opening like a comic book, in reference to Repo: The Genetic Opera's which is just explaining the setting before the film is based, in comic book form.

Another opening I looked at was The Dark Knight- yet another comic based movie. The opening sequence is very different to what Spiderman 2 represents, The Dark Knight(and Batman Begins) is meant to be a realistic view of The Batman, so therefore a comic strip opening sequence would not work for this.

(Sorry it's such poor quality)

The film opening titles which I haven't seen before was Blade's, unfortuantly, it did not make me want to see the film at all. I thought it was quite dull and the special effects were awful, I am a fan of the legend of Vampires but with Blade, I really didn't feel there was anything going for it- yes, it had excitement, but I just felt like it could've been placed anywhere within the film, middle/end/beginning.

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